Financial valuation study of a patent

Cas pratique : étude de valorisation financière d'un brevet
Field: cosmetic industry


A project holder consulted Brandon Valorisation about an innovative concept in his field of expertise: the cosmetic industry. It is a market innovation for France and abroad.

At the same time, the entrepreneur was creating the company which will produce and commercialize the products.


Recommendations and actions – financial valuation study

With our partner Brandon IP, our client applied for a patent under international priority. Therefore, we proceeded to a financial valuation study of the patent. The aim was to contribute the patent to the company and increase its equity of future fundraising.

The financial valuation study, based on market surveys, concluded to a value of several thousand euros. After the study was validated by a contributions auditor, the equity of the company rose from 100 K€ to 550 K€.

This strategy, advised and implemented by Brandon Valorisation, together with the quality of the business leader, enabled the valuation of the company to reach a significant level. Investors took equity stake, bringing 800 K€. In turn, the contribution of the patent has allowed the client to do significant fund-raising, while remaining the main stakeholder of his company.



Financial valuation study of a patent
Brandon Valorisation

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