All news

Image de podium
2 July 2024

Interesting facts and anecdotes about the Olympics Games

As the 2024 Olympics in Paris approach, 100 years after the last French edition of the Summer Games, Brandon Valorisation reveals some remarkable facts. Get ready for some discoveries!

La machine à nager
2 July 2024

Absurd patent of the month: the swimming machine

Discover the absurd patent of the month: the swimming machine

At home
1 July 2024

Focus on… technology transfer

Do you want to develop your innovation and enable it to reach its market? Have you thought about technology transfer?

Valorisation financière
At home
30 May 2024

Our services: get an evaluation of your company with Brandon Valorisation

Brandon Valorisation’s teams have been supporting you for over 30 years in the financial valuation of your intangible assets and company valuation.

Décideurs Magazine et Brandon Valorisation
At home
30 May 2024

Brandon Valorisation ranked by Décideurs Magazine and the rating agency Leaders League!

Brandon Valorisation is happy and proud to announce its inclusion in the 2024 list of Décideurs Magazine, by the rating agency Leaders League.

29 May 2024

Industrial backing: 5 mistakes to avoid

In this article, Brandon Valorisation highlights 5 common mistakes made when seeking industrial backing, and gives you tips to avoid them.

Brevet insolite
28 May 2024

Absurd patent of the month: Base-ball catcher

This month, as the Paris Olympics will soon open, we have selected a special patent for athletes: the “base-ball catcher”.

At home
28 February 2024

New partnership with ScoreX SAS

We are pleased to announce our new partnership with ScoreX SAS, a firm of French chartered accountants, contributions auditor, and auditors.

Our client's place
27 February 2024

Brandon Valorisation invited to the opening of the first Beesket restaurant!

On January 17th, our whole team was invited to Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois (Paris area, France) for the opening ceremony of the new restaurant of the chain Beesket France.

Brevet protections d'oreilles pour chien
26 February 2024

Absurd patent of the month: animal ear protectors

Discover the absurd patent of the month: animal ear protectors

Image : question
24 February 2024

IP News: The right questions to ask yourself before applying for a patent

Should you protect your invention and file a patent application? Discover in this article the right questions to ask yourself before taking any action.

Image : dream big
At home
20 February 2024

In our activities: industrial backing

We present here an alternative to fundraising. Brandon Valorisation has been applying this method for many years.

Champagne René Jolly au Japon
Our client's place
17 January 2024

René Jolly Champagne for its 20th anniversary in Japan!

In December 2023, our long-standing client and partner Champagne René Jolly, is on the front page of “The Wine Kingdom” in Japan!

Des vêtements toujours plus innovants et respectueux de l’environnement
22 December 2023

Clothing: ever more innovative and environmentally friendly

Climate change impacts all sectors of the industry, including fashion. When it comes to the environment, the sector is particularly creative...

22 December 2023

Contribution in kind of intellectual property, taxation

The contribution of an intellectual property right to the capital of a company is a well-founded and advantageous act of management. More information here.

retour sur l'anniversaire de Brandon IP
At home
20 December 2023

A nice birthday evening with Brandon IP

Our partner, Brandon IP, celebrated his 157th birthday on October 27, at Studio Harcourt, in very good company.

pistolet à guirlandes
20 December 2023

Absurd patent of the month: the tinsel gun for Christmas

Absurd patent of the month: US 3494235

24 October 2023

Google celebrates its 25th anniversary! Discover its success story

On the occasion of Google's twenty-fifth anniversary, Brandon Valorisation talks about the history of this successful company.

Brevet insolite du mois : l’appareil d'exercice pour la bouche (US1466559)
24 October 2023

Absurd patent of the month: exercising device for the mouth

Discover the patent of the month: exercising device for the mouth. Patent application: n°US1466559.

Master Classes
At home
23 October 2023

Brandon launches the Master Classes!

Discover our free Master Classes to inform you on the protection and valuation of innovations and/or companies:

At home
20 October 2023

Invited by the EUIPO to talk about financial valuation

Our firm was invited by the EUIPO to participate as an expert in a client panel on the theme of intellectual property valuation.

16 October 2023

Artificial intelligence applied to innovation concerns your business

Artificial intelligence (AI) programs are of course protectable by patent.

Ader Avion III de Clément Ader
5 July 2023

Clément Ader, an aviation pioneer

Brandon Valorisation would like to tell you a little about the aviation pioneer Clément Ader.

At home
4 July 2023

A new partnership with the ESSEC Africa Junior Enterprise

We are pleased to announce a new partnership with Junior Consulting Essec Africa (JCEA), a branch of ESSEC Business School. Created by a group of […]

Le hamac multifonctionnel
3 July 2023

Absurd patent of the month: the multi-fonctional hammock

This month, we wanted to entertain you with a patent designed for summer vacation: a mutli-fonctional hammock!

Louis Vuitton
29 May 2023

The most valued French brands: luxury dominates the ranking

Last March, the Kantar BrandZ Top 50 France ranking of the most powerful brands was released. Without any surprise, the luxury brands come in top positions.

Florence Nightingale
29 May 2023

Florence Nightingale, the pioneer of modern nursing care

This month, Brandon Valorisation looks back on the life of Florence Nightingale, the talented nurse who brought so much to her profession.

La machine à se botter les fesses
26 May 2023

Absurd patent of the month: Manually self-operated butt-kicking machine

We never tire of finding funny patents and we bet you’ll love this one: the manually self-operated butt-kicking machine

Logo Brandon Rezac
At home
17 May 2023

The Brandon Group evolves and becomes Brandon Rezac

This is a major development for the Brandon Group: we enter a new partnership with the law firm Rezac Law!

Valorisez votre société
29 March 2023

The 10 reasons for a business valuation

Several periods in the life of your company may require knowing its real value. We reveal in this article the 10 reasons to value your company.

29 March 2023

Focus on… Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin, the famous illusionist and inventor

Discover the life of Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin, sometimes called "the father of modern magic".

Le brevet insolite du mois : l'appareil pour obtenir des aveux
28 March 2023

Absurd patent of the month: an apparatus for obtaining criminal confessions

Yet another gem this month with this scary US patent.

At home
21 March 2023

New: Brandon’s packaged offers

Brandon Valorisation innovates and launches the packaged offers. It is the possibility for start-ups, SMEs and other companies to mix all the firm’s services. How […]

At home
26 January 2023

A look back on our year 2022

A new year has started. It is an opportunity for us to take stock of 2022 and the developments of the Brandon Group.

25 January 2023

The most remarkable innovations of 2022

Discover here some innovations we heard about in 2022 and considered particularly outstanding.

Le dispositif sanitaire pour oiseaux
25 January 2023

Absurd patent of the month: sanitary appliance for birds

This month, we hope to entertain you (again) with a new patent application probably aimed at “helping” our friends the animals, or rather their owner.

23 November 2022

Global Innovation Index 2022: Switzerland still in the lead

According to the Global Innovation Index 2022 published by the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), Switzerland is again the most innovative country around the world. […]

22 November 2022

Alfred Nobel, an inventor behind the eponymous prize

Everyone knows or has heard of the Nobel Prizes awarded each year to different scientists, writers and personalities. But few of us really know who […]

Le brevet insolite du mois : le vibrateur de sapin de Noël (US2522906)
21 November 2022

The weird (and nonetheless absolutely authentic) patent of the month: “Christmas tree vibrator”

At last, it is Christmas season again, and it is of course customary to decorate the interior space with a nice Christmas tree, hang baubles […]

2022 Intellectual Property SME scoreboard
18 November 2022

SME Scoreboard: only 10% of them own intellectual property rights

According to the European Observatory of EUIPO (the European Union Intellectual Property Office), only 10% of European SMEs declare that they own intellectual property rights. […]

Logo Bletry
At home
21 October 2022

Almost 20 years…

Having took over the head of our partner Office BLETRY in 2003, Anne and Michel Lévy have endeavored to maintain and promote the notoriety of this IP law firm created in 1866 by the Blétry Brothers.

De l'importance de la valorisation financière pour obtenir des financements
6 October 2022

The importance of financial valuation to obtain funds

Estimate the value of your business is an essential step before any funding request.

Le vélo à rames de Louis S. Burbank
26 September 2022

Absurd patent of the month: the rowing bicycle (1900)

Discover the absurd patent of the month, patented in 1900: the rowing bike

Modélisation financière de business plan
At home
22 September 2022

Our new service offer: financial modeling of business plan

In order to offer a broader support to our clients in all stages of their innovative business project, Brandon Valorisation is launching a new service: financial modeling of business plan.

NCLI Conseils
At home
19 September 2022

A new partnership with NCLI Conseil

The Brandon Group is pleased to announce its partnership with NCLI Conseil, a specialist in consulting and financial support for businesses.

Le casque-serre respirant
28 June 2022

Absurd patent of the month: the breathing greenhouse helmet

Many of you reacted very positively to our last article about absurd and quirky patents. We understand that you like these discoveries. That is why […]

27 June 2022

Ukrainian crisis: innovation, a growth leverage?

Could innovation come to support companies and help them get out of the crisis?

Bpifrance et Groupe Brandon
At home
8 June 2022

Intellectual Property Strategy Early Assessment- Bpifrance

Brandon IP has been selected by Bpifrance as an expert for the early assessment of intellectual property strategy and valuation of intangible assets.