Search for patent open to license

Recherche de brevet ouvert à licence


Brandon has been consulted to take part in a revitalization action for an industrial employment pool in Eastern France. Thus, with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we invited the local SMEs to an information meeting about the method of business diversification through innovation developed by the company. The purpose of this method is to enable business leaders to acquire the operating rights of untapped patents.

34 companies came to this meeting. 17 of them, subcontracting SMEs, expressed the wish to join the collective action. After an individual diagnosis, an ad hoc steering committee selected 14 companies eligible for the accompaniment.



During this 12-month mission, we identified, for each company, the pathways to diversify their activities according to their know-how and industrial and human resources. Finally, thanks to this collective action, 5 SMEs acquired an exclusive license for the exploitation of a patented technology.

Search for patent open to license

Search for patent open to license
Brandon Valorisation

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