From the love of music to innovation: the encounter between Brandon Group and Mr. Hugon

Our client's place
Publié le 17 November 2020

Bernard Hugon has a very atypical profile: trained as a professional musician and composer, he later graduated from Art & Métiers school and got an audioprosthesist diploma.

It was thus only natural for him to get involved in the search for improvements in the care of musicians and music lovers suffering from hearing difficulties.  There are indeed many more of them than we might think.

Bernard Hugon is the designer of an innovative and very high-quality system for adjusting hearing aids, now protected by a patent.


Over time he made numerous encounters with other passionate experts including Christian Hugonnet, a renowned acoustician and founder of “UNESCO’s Week of Sound”, and Michel Levy, from the Brandon Group.


It is in close collaboration with Brandon Valorisation and on its advice that Bernard Hugon has developed an ambitious development strategy: patent protection, creation of a company, financial valuation of the patent, capital contribution, establishment of the company, fundraising, etc.


His company, Le Timée (a registered trademark), is now hosted by our partner the Lab’O, in Orléans (France), where it will benefit from the expertise of the Industry Lab and will apply for grants from BPI France and regional funders for the study and realization of an industrial prototype.


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