Benchmarking the post-Covid IP firms

Chez nos clients
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Publié le 18 March 2021

The International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI) differs from other professional associations by its interest in matters of practice management, and not only of business practice.

In this context, it is of course obvious that the Covid-19 has transformed the functioning of intellectual property firms and more generally that of consulting firms, starting with homeworking and paperless practice.


Clients have also evolved, as have their requirements. The need for expert advice and responsiveness has increased.


As we move toward the exit (much hoped and expected) from this pandemic episode, how will our firms operate, communicate, and develop?


These are the questions that were discussed during the March 17 webinar in which Anne Levy participated, with American and South African counterparts.

This exchange made it possible to reflect together on our practices, our habits, and the expectations and constraints of our customers and our teams.


We are delighted to have contributed to this very interesting reflection and we will for sure inform you about future developments.

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