Brandon’s birthday: 30 years of collaboration!

L'équipe de Brandon Valorisation : Anne Lévy et Michel Lévy
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Publié le 18 November 2020

The Brandon Group has celebrated this month 30 years of collaboration between Anne Lévy, President of Brandon IP, and Michel Lévy, President of Brandon Valorisation, both partners of each consulting firm.

Beyond the family ties that unite them, the group represents also the original association between an intellectual property firm and a consulting firm specialized in the economic and financial valuation of innovation. The Brandon Group thus meets optimally the needs of all companies, SMEs, start-ups and project holders.


A complementary and effective partnership

In 30 years of collaboration, several hundred companies and inventors in every business sector have been accompanied, sometimes from the beginning of their project, sometimes at a later stage for an international development or during challenging times with a need for a new strategic reflection. Over the years, thousands of patents and trademarks have been registered and are now managed by Brandon IP. And also, several million euros have been valued by Brandon Valorisation.


30 years of collaboration also represent many moments of knowledge sharing, in particular with students from several entrepreneurial courses, to allow them to better understand the challenges of intellectual property and its valorization, but also to help them in the realization of their innovative projects.


30 years of collaboration represents dozens of partnerships that have been signed with incubators, competitive clusters, groups specializing in enterprise development or innovation funding, and other consulting firms with a complementary business activity. Always with the purpose of accompanying our clients during the whole innovation process, since its inception to reach the final goal, whether it is an international development, the creation of a joint-venture or the sale of the company, and still the creation of value.


30 years of collaboration is finally the development of two firms in total symbiosis thanks to our engineer’s and consultant’s involvement, specialized in many different fields and allowing the Group to answer any request.


The team: Anne Lévy and Michel Lévy

Two stories for a group

Although today the two firms work in close partnership, they have a complete different origin.


The creation of Brandon took place in 1991. After more than 20 years at the top of an industrial company with more than 60 employees, Michel Lévy, with his proven experience as a business founder, decided to launch an activity based on services dedicated to innovation.

He was rapidly joined by his daughter, Anne Levy, freshly graduated from a major business school.  Along her father, she took up the challenge of developing in France a new activity of valuators, pioneer in market and also very innovative! Where did this crazy idea of asking his daughter to play a part in a high-risk activity come from? How to work together and take off? The question still remains unanswered, but it works, and although initially deemed to be temporary, this association between a father and his daughter continues and strengthens despite some disagreements, sulks and generational cleavages.


Accompanying their clients and analyzing this innovative activity over the years led them to the conclusion that the valuation of innovation requires a high degree of competence in intellectual property.


Anne Lévy, while already a mother, thus engaged in a new training and qualified as a patent attorney and European mandatory.


The next step is simple: to acquire an intellectual property consulting firm to create a unique combination of services.

The consultancy firm Office Blétry is then selected. Established in 1866 under the name BLETRY FRERES, Brandon IP is the heir of one of the oldest industrial property firms in France.

Bletry's Office - 30 years of collaboration

Today, in 2020, the Brandon Group combines the skills of Brandon Valorisation in financial valuation consulting and Brandon IP in intellectual property law.


Every day, the originality and scope of our services and the constant listening to our client’s feedback strengthen our choice to bring together intellectual property and financial valuation.


To know more:

To know more about our services, please our dedicated sections:


The Brandon Group has a unique offer that combines industrial property and economic and financial valuation.


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