
Partner search

Recherche de partenaire


Search and find the ideal partner to support you in your industrial and / or commercial development.

You may be an entrepreneur, a start-up manager, and you are looking for solutions to develop your business. You may have created a new product, but do not have the human, industrial and / or financial resources necessary to manufacture and market it. And you may have considered fundraising or searching for investors to finance your project.


Here is the good news: there is an alternative!

Industry partner search

Signing a partnership agreement with a trusted industrial company, already present in your market or in a related field of activity, is a good way to meet the needs of your company in terms of market access domestically and abroad. Opening up your company’s capital to a larger and quality partner will stimulate the growth of your business in a win-win relationship.

In this case, we also talk about industrial and financial backing.


Why can finding a partner be an effective alternative solution for your business?

Several reasons can convince you to search for a trusted industrial and commercial partner, among which:

  • Acquire the human, industrial, financial and / or commercial resources necessary to develop your activity;
  • Enlarge your company’s skills and know-how;
  • Facilitate access to the market, thanks to a partner offering additional products and already well positioned on the target market;
  • Give you the opportunity to innovate more rapidly thanks to financial resources for carrying out your R&D;
  • Develop your international business by choosing a French or European partner to take advantage of its distribution channels and well-established reputation;
  • Increase your financial and commercial credibility with your suppliers and bankers;
  • Diversify your activities by providing complementary products.


Depending on your project and the means that your company lacks, the partner could be an industrial company, manufacturer of all or part of the product, a company with an international presence and relevant financial and commercial resources… In fact, it is a big brother, reliable, and capable of supporting you in the development of your company.


To assist you in finding the right commercial or industrial partner, in France or in other countries, Brandon Valorisation, with its 30 years of experience working with entrepreneurs in all sectors, offers an original service: LeonardTM.

Partner search

Presentation of the mission:

Our experts work with you to define the fields of activity and target countries and note the companies you have already approached or those with which you especially do not want to consider partnering.  Then, our consultants identify, select, and approach the companies able to meet the objective of the mission in the chosen territory.


Our firm then supports you in the various discussions and negotiations, until a partnership agreement protocol in signed.


During the mission, you regularly receive intermediary progress reports which summarize the approaches carried out by Brandon Valorisation. These regular meetings allow you to follow our various actions but are also an opportunity to take stock and consider, if necessary, a redirection of the research, for example if there has been an evolution in your strategy.


Prepare your search for a partner:

In order to negotiate at fair value the conditions for opening up the capital, we advise you, before any search for an industrial and / or commercial partner, to carry out a financial valuation study of your company in order to assess its value. This study goes beyond the accounting elements to take into account your intangible assets (patents, trademarks, models, know-how, etc.) and give them a fair and objective value.


If you would like to make profitable your investment in research and development by granting licenses to use your invention, discover another of our service: Search for licensees.


Confidentiality: Brandon Valorisation is committed to keeping strictly confidential all information received from its customers, if not public on the day of transmission.


Note: Brandon Valorisation’s services are covered by Professional Civil Liability insurance.


The Brandon Group has a unique offer that combines industrial property and economic and financial valuation.

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Partner search
Partner search

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