Portugal on the path of growth

Publié le 6 March 2018

2011: a 78 billion euros bailout plan

2017: one of the most promising economies in Europe with a 7.8% unemployment rate, i.e. more than 50% lower than in 2013 (17.4%).

Since the exit from the bailout plan in 2014, the Portuguese economy has quite changed.

Indeed, with a “mix of labor market recovery and flexibility like in the Scandinavian countries”, its multi-lingual population and its attractive infrastructures, the country currently attracts start-ups, the luxury industry (Farftech – the leading online seller on the luxury sector) as well as the major actors in aerospace industry (Mecachrome, Embraer). Even traditional occupations have evolved and adapted well through both innovation and business diversification.

And what about you? How are you positioning yourselves towards this market?

To find out more (article in French):



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