The most remarkable innovations of 2019

Les innovations 2019_Brandon Valorisation
Publié le 24 January 2020

Many innovations have emerged in 2019, mainly in high-tech and ecology areas. Brandon Valorisation has chosen for you the most striking.

And, as France is an innovation generator country, we have chosen several French inventions!


Candia: the first eco-designed milk carton

Awarded with the “Oscar de l’Emballage 2019” (a prize for the packaging), in the “Environment” category, this Bio milk carton is proposed by Candia and SIG. The packaging is aluminum-free and made up of 100% recycled cardboard. This is the result of 3 years of research.


Living Packets: do not lose your parcels anymore and minimize the volume of cartons

Image Living Packets_The Box

The Box, from the startup Living Packets, is a sustainable and smart packaging used in e-commerce for parcel delivery. A GPS, several sensors for shock, temperature and humidity, and a camera enable the user to check on the delivery status of an order and also to decrease the odds of a damaged package. As an advantage also for the environment, The Box is reusable up to 1,000 times. Living Packets received the CES 2020 innovation prize.

See Living Packets website.


The expandable pill which monitors the stomach for a month

Are you reluctant to control visits with a gastroenterologist and its fiberscope, the colonoscopy and the anesthesia coming with these controls?

A new technology will save you some of these constraints: the expandable pill, developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), monitors the stomach for a month.

Once swallowed, the pill inflates until it reaches the size of a ping-pong ball, and, thanks to its sensor, monitors the temperature of the stomach and the evolution of several gastric diseases (ulcer, cancer or other gastrointestinal illnesses). When its time is over, a simple chemical reagent gives it back its normal size and the pill can be expelled from the body.


Recycle plastic bottles with b:bot


Produced by Green Big, a startup from Normandy, France, b:bot is a smart collector which purpose is to recycle plastic bottles. It shreds them into flakes then sort them by optical analysis. The PET, highly sought, is compressed and resold.

A little bonus: the collection is a win-win as the user receives vouchers.

Green Big expects to reach 400 collectors in France in 2020.

See Green Big website.



Seaturns: when wave energy becomes electricity

This innovative technology uses energy from waves to produce electricity or fresh water. Comprised of a float, this system uses the wave-induced horizontal motion to create an air flow able to turn a turbine. Seaturns, still in development, could provide energy to several tens of homes.

Presentation video:

See Seaturns website.


Hovertaxi, the French air taxi, fact or fiction ?

Image Hovertaxi

It will be soon possible to book an air taxi via a dedicated application.

The French startup Hovertaxi works for several years on this technology. It is an electrical aircraft which ensures the transportation from a station to another, to train stations, to airports… With a safe and ecological service.

The ride is announced at the same price as a taxi ride on the road, and with a record time.
A story to follow…

See Hovertaxi website.


A meat produced in vitro

It is now possible to consume meat without killing animals. The cultured meat is, according to Bill Gates, one of the 10 technological innovations in 2019 to change the world.

By the cultivation of muscle fibers (called myotubes) in Petri dishes, the startup Aleph Farms produced the first beef steak of the world, with the same appearance and the same texture as natural meat.

This technology aims to eliminate the animal exploitation and slaughter, but also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (15% of the greenhouse gas coming from human activity is linked to the animal production).


Serve, the robot which delivers your meals

Image Serve_Postmates

Postmates, an American company specialized in food delivery, created a meal delivery robot. Remotely piloted by a human, it can travel all on its own on the walkways to make a delivery. To unlock the compartment and take its meal, the addressee then uses a code or his phone. Firsts tests are in progress in San Francisco (California, USA).

See Postmates website.


Meyko, the robot which helps children to take their medications


On sale since 2019, this little robot from Nantes, France, indicates to ill children if they have taken their medicine, when pills have to be taken at specific times.

If the time is exceeded, the robot will display a sorrowful air, but will smile as soon as the child takes its medications.

This robot is already in place in 30 hospital pediatric services in France.

A fund raising should be launched in 2020 in order to expand its commercialization throughout the world.

See Meyko website.




Living Packets:
Expandable pill:
Meat produced in vitro: ;


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