Workshop “Intangible capital” – March 21, 2013

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Publié le 3 June 2013

BRANDON co-presents a workshop about the financial valuation of intangible assets in SMI/SMEs, on March 21st 2013, at the CCI of Paris, Seine-Saint-Denis.

Protect, value and exploit the intellectual capital of your company!



  • Intangible capital, the main assets of the company?
  • Build a protection strategy in France and abroad
  • Calculate the value of your intangible assets
  • Share and exchange your views and opinions with other executives



Why and how to protect your trademarks, drawings, designs and patents?

Caroline Bigot, “Project manager”(chargée de mission), engineer of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)

How to calculate the value of a company’s intangible assets?

Michel Lévy, IP valuation adviser, Cabinet L. BRANDON

How to operate the intangible capital of a company: sales, licensing, …

Dominique Harl, senior accountant, Cabinet HARL


To participate, you must register (but it is too late!)

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