2018: the year in retrospect

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Publié le 25 January 2019

2018 is ending to make room to 2019. It is time for Brandon Valorisation to assess the previous year. In this article, we present you three areas of work that have marked our year and which are still going to be in the limelight in 2019.

Financial valuation study “Flash”: a new offering tailored for start-ups

Firstly, in 2018 we have developed a new offer: financial valuation studies “Flash”.

We initially conceived this service at the request of an institutional organization (Mines ParisTech). It was a question of doing a synthetic study on some of its assets. Very soon, we did realize, though, that this study could be useful to our start-up clients. Indeed, they face time constraints and limited budget.

We conduct these studies using the same frame (study plan, elements taken into account…) as our usual financial valuation studies. But the elements are handled in a more brief and synthetic way.

Already available for our clients and leads, several projects are planned for this year.

Picture: ValoFin Flash

Toronto: raising awareness amongst patent and trademark attorneys about financial valuation

Great moment for Brandon Valorisation this year, FICPI [1] invited us to its international congress which was held in Toronto, in June 2018.

In partnership with Brandon IP and Dr. Moonkyo Chung [2], we introduced the key principles of the financial valuation of intellectual property rights.

This congress was a great opportunity to give rise to fascinating exchanges with international IP experts. We noted that France is no exception: from English-speaking countries to Asian countries, the related levers are still unrecognized.

In 2019, we plan to carry on with our actions to raise awareness about innovation and IP valuation, in collaboration with Brandon IP, in France and abroad.


Clarification of our communication

Our profession is little known and may sometimes be difficult to grasp for the general public. One of our major challenges in 2018 was then to clarify our offer.

For this reason, we have completely re-designed our website and launched a new version of it in June.

We also have developed presentation sheets introducing our services that some of you have already received. They explain in a synthetic way what are the objectives of each mission and the project workflow.

Lastly, we have designed a short presentation brochure (6 slides). It is a useful complement to our other communication tools.

If any of these tools is of interest to you, please don’t hesitate to ask us. We would be happy to send them to you.


[1] Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle
[2] Dr. Moonkyo Chung, Deputy Senior Director – KOREA TECHNOLOGY FINANCE – Corée


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