A look back on our year 2020

At home
Publié le 26 January 2021

Probably more than previous years, 2020 was an opportunity for changes within Brandon Valorisation. New services, optimization, specialization of some missions, etc.

In this article, we take a look back at the highlights and developments that have marked the year.


Coronavirus: a cohesive team

Retour sur notre année 2020

As for all other companies, our organization has been strongly impacted by the arrival of the coronavirus. With a first lockdown in March, then a second at the end of October, teleworking has become mandatory for our teams, with all the inevitable difficulties that this can cause: securing servers and exchanges in general, adaptation of equipment, compatibility problems, etc.


Despite these constraints, the team has adapted and has remained united. It is thanks to everyone’s efforts that the activity was able to continue with the same quality of service to our customers.

We have implemented new collaborative tools that have enabled us to rationalize our methods and to innovate with reliable procedures adapted to the situation.


Optimization of our working methods

Like so many French people, we have traded away with some regret in the spring our discussions at the coffee machine for “meetings” using videoconferencing.

IT support was in great demand… It allowed us to solve all kinds of difficulties, but we learned a lot (it is true that we are not all digital natives…).


New practices to stay in permanent contact, new working procedures… but no disruption!

It is thanks to a very strong culture of writing and traceability, which we call “rigor”, that Brandon Valorisation has been able to maintain exemplary quality of service despite this new centralized organization.

Current and new missions have been and are carried out successfully, without, and we regret it, the slightest physical meeting with our clients.


New services

Les temps de transports ont été mis à profit pour mener des réflexions sur l’adaptation de notre offre aux besoins de nos clients et, au-delà, aux besoins émergents du marché des entreprises innovantes ou en mutation. Brandon Valorisation a ainsi imaginé de nouvelles prestations :



The purpose of this service is to analyze the stage of development of an innovative project and the ambitions of the project leader in order to establish a diagnosis on the possibility and opportunity of a financial valuation (which assets, which method, in what purpose, etc.).

Find out more…



Launched at the beginning of the year, this little sister of ValoFin and ValoFlash aims to meet the needs of the numerous start-ups and project leaders more focused on short completion time and reduced cost. A necessary reactivity so as not to delay the creation of a company or an imminent fund raising.

Find out more…


Support service

This mission is designed to meet the needs expressed by many start-up founders or project holders to be supported in the definition and implementation of their development strategy for an innovative project. This offer, which is very flexible in its terms, is based on our experience accumulated over 30 years on several hundred cases.


Many more events

Although disrupted, the year 2020, like the previous one, was an opportunity for Brandon Valorisation to conduct numerous awareness workshops about intellectual property and its valuation. It will be the same in 2021!


When we could not meet participants during face-to-face meetings, we have adapted to organize or participate in online events, followed by personalized interviews, always with the desire to bring our expertise to young or future entrepreneurs who have shown a need of it (RDV Expert, webinars, Speed Business Meeting…).


We would like to thank all our partners and auditors from Lab’O, Cosmetic Valley, Altytud or Hesam for these moments of constructive discussions at the service of innovation.


We started again this activity in January, and we are preparing to continue or renew these interactions in the future!


Highlights of the Year

The year was finally marked by some great moments, even though we were not able to celebrate them in our offices with our customers and partners.


First of all, we celebrated 30 years of collaboration between Anne Lévy, President of Brandon IP, and her father Michel Lévy, President of Brandon Valorisation. For the occasion, we published an article that you can find here: Brandon’s birthday: 30 years of collaboration!

L'équipe de Brandon Valorisation : Anne Lévy et Michel Lévy

Second important date: November 13, 2020. That day, Michel Levy placed the Brandon Group sign at the entrance to our Paris headquarters building. What a pity that the lockdown prevented us from sharing this moment!

Plaque du Groupe Brandon rue Tiquetonne à Paris


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See you soon! And take care of yourself!



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